Feel Free to Contact Us
Phone (Customer Service)

26948 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92026, United States

Shipping to San Diego Area Only
We provide weekly shipping of fresh products. As we are based in Escondido, CA, we provide shipping services only in San Diego to the following zip codes:
92007, 92008, 92009, 92010, 92011, 92014, 92024, 92025, 92026, 92027, 92029, 92037, 92054, 92056, 92064, 92067, 92069, 92075, 92078, 92081, 92083, 92084, 92088, 92091, 92093, 92101, 92102, 92103, 92104, 92105, 92106. 92107, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92111. 92113, 92114, 92115, 92116, 92117, 92120, 92121, 92122, 92123, 92124, 92126, 92127, 92128, 92129, 92130, 92131, 92134. 92136.
New Zip Codes Coming Soon!